5 Common Causes of Motorcycle-Car Accidents


Whether to commute to work or school or enjoy the open roads and scenery, many Americans ride motorcycles. However, riding a motorcycle carries many inherent risks. 

Although many motorcycle accidents are caused by a motorcyclist’s negligence, a significant number of such crashes are due to negligent drivers of motor vehicles. Since riders have less protection compared to occupants of passenger vehicles like cars or trucks, a leisurely ride can likely result in a catastrophic or fatal motorcycle accident. 

The following are the five common causes of motorcycle accidents involving other vehicles on the road: 

  • Vehicles making left-hand turns – According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), cars making left-hand turns are the cause of almost half of all fatal motorcycle accidents involving another vehicle. Common reasons behind left-turn accidents include speeding, distracted driving, and low visibility since drivers may not see a motorcyclist due to the size and speed of the motorcycle. Since drivers making left-hand turns must yield to other traffic, they are often to blame for a left-turn accident. 

  • Vehicles striking motorcycles head-on – Out of all the fatal motorcycle accidents involving a motor vehicle, the vehicle collided with the motorcyclist head-on in three out of four of those crashes. Head-on collisions typically occur at intersections when the vehicle driver rushes to beat a traffic light or runs a red light or stop sign. The motorcyclist often dies in head-on collisions. 

  • Drivers failing to check blind spots or signal – Before changing lanes, drivers must always check their blind spots for passing vehicles—including motorcycles—and then signal. If a driver fails to take the proper safety precautions before switching lanes, not only can he/she strike a passing motorcyclist, such a move would cause the biker to veer off-road and potentially hit a fixed object like a sign, tree, or telephone pole. 

  • Vehicle occupants opening doors – Especially on busy or narrow roads, drivers and passengers need to be mindful of passing vehicles before opening their doors. Failure to do so could result in a motorcyclist crashing into the open door. 

  • Drunk drivers – One of the most common causes of all motor vehicle accidents is driver intoxication. Since alcohol and drugs can lead to poor motor skills and judgment, as well as reduced reaction times and vigilance, they are a danger to all motorists, including bikers. 

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Arapahoe County, CO, let our experienced personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Joseph A. Lazzara, P.C. protect your rights and best interests. Call us or fill out our online contact form today to schedule a free initial consultation. 
