"You can count on him to be well prepared, knowing the laws specifically applicable for defending your case."
It is with tremendous respect and admiration I can speak about Joe Lazzara, Esq. He successfully defended me five years ago in my DUI case and DMV license revocation hearing, obtaining outcomes of dismissal for both.
Now Mr. Lazzara is defending me on another DUI charge, and so far, has again obtained dismissal of my DMV license revocation due to his solid knowledge of the law and expertise in defending individuals’ legal rights.
Joe is intelligent, articulate, highly skilled and experienced. You can count on him to be well prepared, knowing the laws specifically applicable for defending your case. He provides strategic guidance and coaches on what to say and what not to say for answering questions and speaking on your own personal behalf.
The criminal justice system is a lot to wrestle with - Joe will give you the confidence and peace of mind required to be successful. He is an honest, trustworthy, caring legal expert who treats his clients with dignity and respect. From my own experience, Joseph A. Lazzara certainly will “protect your rights and fight for your future.”
- Susan