5 Common Driving Dangers of Holiday Weekends


Now that Halloween is over, the holiday season quickly approaching – starting with Thanksgiving and ending with New Year’s Day. During this time of year, millions of people in the United States will participate in festive gatherings, take long road trips to visit family members, and otherwise be joyful and merry. 

However, the holiday weekends are a dangerous time for driving. In order to avoid being involved in a car accident this season, you must be aware of the most common driving dangers. 

The following are five driving dangers during the holiday weekends: 

  • Drunk drivers – Starting with Blackout Wednesday, which is the night before Thanksgiving, many people returning home for the holiday gather at bars and lounges and catch up with old friends and family members over drinks. The truth is many holiday celebrations (e.g., Christmas and New Year’s Eve) involve alcohol consumption, which is why drunk driving is one of the most common causes of injuries or deaths during this time of year. If you are driving on the road late at night, keep an eye out for drunk motorists and practice defensive driving. 

  • Overcrowded roads – Since many people embark on road trips during the holidays, the roads can be extremely crowded. Heavy traffic and impatience can lead to aggressive and reckless driving behaviors, resulting in a crash or a road rage incident. If you are planning to take a road trip, try to avoid peak driving hours and use a navigation app to check on any traffic conditions on your way to your destination. 

  • Fatigued and stressed driving – The financial stress of holiday shopping, driving further than normal, or working long hours during the season can result in tensions running high. Reduced sleep schedules can lead to drowsy driving, while holiday stress can cause drivers to operate their vehicles in a careless or reckless manner, increasing the risk of a collision. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night and do not handle all the stress on your own, simply talking to someone about it goes a long way. 

  • Distracted driving – Whether you are driving while using your cellphone, using a GPS system, or checking out stores to do your holiday shopping, there are many distractions that can take your eyes away from the road, your hands away from the steering wheel, and your focus away from the main task of driving. If your full attention is not focused on driving, then you could end up in a serious accident. 

  • Inclement weather – From snow and ice to rain and gusty winds, people traveling during the holidays will face dangerous weather conditions that make it difficult to maneuver or even see where you are going. Before getting behind the wheel, you should check on the weather report, as well as any reported accidents on your route. 

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by negligence in Arapahoe County, CO, call the Law Office of Joseph A. Lazzara, P.C. at (720) 809-8262 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule a free consultation. More than 25 years of trial-tested experience! 
